COOKie | Guest Mix & Interview | SAT 9PM | KISS FM Australia

FRICTION welcomes local Melbournite COOKie back for another mix on Friction this Saturday at 9pm on Kiss.

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COOKie (Andrew Cook) has been In and around the Melbourne dance music scene for just under 20 years. As a DJ he has performed at almost all major clubs still standing and also played at many outdoor events and festivals with the highlights being Afrikaburn and Rainbow Serpent Festival. COOKie now runs Morning After Agency, which enters It’s 5th year of touring & representing Domestic & International artists as well as running club and outdoor events Including the annual event The Enchanted Garden Party.

2021 looks to be promising year for COOKie and Morning After


Checkout COOKie’s SoundCloud below

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Remember to keep tuning into Friction every week as we welcome weekly guests up to the Friction waves.

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