Listen to KISS   I-phone, I-Pad / iOS. Download our FREE iOS APP here

Listen to KISS   Android. Download our FREE Android APP here

Listen to KISS   FM Radio 87.6 and 87.8 FM Melbourne, Australia. If you’re driving around, flick around.

Listen to KISS   Online simply hit the PLAYER at the top of this page [Windows & Mac info below] 

Watch KISS Live   Live Streaming available via Facebook, Twitch, Youtube here

App store KISS APP

The KISS FM Australia APP 

  • Is free
  • Plays KISS live wherever on the planet you may be [wi-fi 3g, 4g required]
  • 24 – 29 MB an hour of data
  • Bluetooth KISS to your car, home stereo and boom box
  • Shows you what KISS show is playing now
  • Info & about KISS
  • How to support KISS. KISS is Independent. To remain Independent we need Member Support.

More info for PC & Mac Listeners:

Listen on Windows

Listen with aacPlus

Windows MP3

Listen with Mac aacPlus

Listen with Mac mp3


Use the URL from the Kiss website –

Save at the top of your Sonos Favourites.


  • The Kiss aacPlus stream is 64kbps Stereo which consumes 28-29mb per hour.
  • The Kiss mp3 stream is 48kbps Mono which consumes just over 21mb per hour.