| Yanni Arsenakis | Word Music Musings | Thursday 12 – 2pm |

The past few years has seen Yanni Arsenakis become evermore obsessed with collecting and playing music. As a lover of a discovering new music, this motivated DJ has been groove gathering from across the spectrum of electronic music and aims to share them with as many people as a Melbourne dance floor can allow.

If you ask him, he’s a believer – a believer that every song has a time, place and feeling, and his job is simple; to try and match the right music to the right moment, at the right time.
That might mean some frantic (if not frenzied) searches for that ‘one song’ in the heat of the moment, believing you should never pass up on the chance to share new dimensions of music with others. Operating in this moment-to-moment way, Yanni aims to find the right balance between keeping things fun and lively (for maximum good times) whilst introducing fresh, unique and worldly perspectives to the mix.

Lately, Yanni has been hooked (pun intended) into the more ‘chilled’ side of the spectrum and is regularly collecting and playing music in the downtempo realms. This can encompass a whole range of genres from ambient, electronica, world, trip-hop, funk and lounge to anything with a slow, melodic and deep groove. Primarily he’s showcasing these sounds downstairs at his residency for Disco Volante at OneSixOne but aims to continue pushing and sharing this music direction with as many people as possible.

Join us on Thursday between 12 – 2pm to hear more about what compels him as an artist, and what worldly wonders he has to share with us.

Check out his Burning Man set here in the meantime:

More Posts for Show: Ibiza in September

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