The Russian Linesman kicks off 2020 with the 2nd instalment of his remarkable new six part series of EPs, focused on the art of storytelling. As one of the electronic scene’s true mavericks, this “modern day composer” continues to explore psychological theory in the creation of his enthralling musical collages. 

 Joseph Campbell’s ‘A Hero with a Thousand Faces’ is an analysis of centuries of human storytelling, based around the anthropological theories of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, and this fascinating book provided the blueprint for this new Russian Linesman project – an artistic abstraction of the concept of the Monomyth – a formula we are all familiar with in modern day films and books. 

 In narratology and comparative mythology, the Monomyth, or the Hero’s Journey, is the common template of a broad category of storytelling that involves a hero who goes on an adventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, then comes home changed or transformed.

 Each song within the Russian Linesman’s ‘Monomyth’ EP series (the project will be unveiled in its entirety throughout 2020 at bi-monthly intervals) is named after the relevant part of the Hero’s Journey and has been accompanied by unique, complex compositions that combine a multitude of diverse collected instrumentation and field recordings to fit the mood of the storytelling.

 Most storytellers in this series remain anonymous, retaining an abstract element to the process and allowing the listener’s curiosity to be uniquely aroused and drawn into each different story as it unfolds. However, as the Russian Linesman explains, there are always exceptions:

 “This EP features poetry from two of my favourite poets. Malaika Kegode provided the perfect story to accompany the idea of ‘Enemies’ and incorporated some lines I had also written. She carried us both over a creative brick wall. Ben told a heart-shredding story that truly expresses ‘Entering The Belly Of The Whale’. All of this while recording his parts for BBC R4 ‘The Archers’. Last time I worked with a poet was in year 11 at school when my English teacher got beat poet Adrian Henri into class!”  Russian Linesman

 Out Now

Russian Linesman – Monomyth I – The Departure (Loki020)                                   

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The Series Outline In Full: 


Monomyth I – The Departure
“This first stage of the mythological journey…signifies that destiny has summoned the hero.” – Joseph Campbell


Monomyth II – The Road of Trials
“You enter the forest at the darkest point, where there is no path.” – Joseph Campbell


Monomyth III – The Special World
“The ultimate adventure, when all the barriers and ogres have been overcome.” – Joseph Campbell


Monomyth IV – Apotheosis
“Once we have broken free of prejudices…it becomes possible to understand.” – Joseph Campbell


Monomyth V – The Return
“…the labor of bringing back the runes of wisdom… He rises, returns to them, and dwells with them as an egoless center…” – Joseph Campbell


Monomyth VI – Resurrection
“Having died to his personal ego, the hero no longer fears death.” – Joseph Campbell


Russian Linesman Info:


Loki Recordings Info:


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