Matt is a long time stalwart of the Melbourne techno scene.  Since making his debut way back in 1999, Matt has been at the forefront of pushing the boundaries of techno playing across 3 turntables and then progressing to multi-faceted digital-based soundscapes.

Drawing inspiration from a lifetime of listening to metal and grindcore, Matt has taken the aggressive and percussive nature of this style of music and incorporated this into his smooth, free-flowing techno journeys.

Matt’s first big break was back in 2000 scoring a rolling guest slot at the seminal Teriyaki Anarki Saki.  From his exposure there, he welcomed slots at a host of other techno-based parties across Melbourne.  Expanding further,  Matt and a number of friends put a wealth of time and energy into the Panic Stricken Bovine event series, bringing international acts such as Adam Jay and DJ Misjah.

Matt drew back from playing in the mid-2000s focussing instead on work and family life until 2012, with his involvement in the Billion Underground team, both organising and playing at major events with Pfirter, Drumcell, Ancient Methods and a number of other international guests.  This combined regular slots at long-standing techno institution Machine brought out another side of Matt’s techno inspiration playing different sets across all timeslots and genres.

While it is quite a rare event to hear Matt hit the decks again, putting these sets together for his great mate Cara has be a great pleasure.


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