The interview starts at approximately 54:23


This week on Forum, we will be talking to David Cross, artist, writer and the Professor of Visual Arts, Faculty of Art and Education at Deakin University in Melbourne.

David Cross is an artist, writer and curator, working across performance, installation, video and photography. David’s work explores the relationship between pleasure, intimacy and the phobic, and often incorporates participation by linking performance art with object-based environments.

Originally from New Zealand, David was selected as a New Zealand representative at the 2011 and 2015 Prague Quadrennials, which is the largest scenography event in the world, that presents contemporary trends in the field of performance design, and the architecture of performance space.

David has performed in International live art festivals in Poland and Croatia and has co-created and directed worldwide with peers such as Claire Doherty, Ivan and Heather Morison, Lara Alamcegui, Michael Parekowhai – to name a few.

Other highlights have included a commission by the National Institute of Experimental Art and the City of Sydney to develop Drift, a large-scale public art commission for Taylors Square in Sydney; Inclusion in Liveworks at the Performance Space that is an organisation at the forefront of experimental practices that showcases risk-taking artists; and at the Arts House for the Melbourne International Festival.

More recently David has examined the connection between sport, performance and community in public art projects for Scape 7 in Christchurch and Temporary Democracies: A Project for Campbelltown Arts Centre.

David recently co-founded the research initiative Public Art Commission (PAC) at Deakin University, which is devoted to the commissioning and scholarship of temporary public art.

Recent PAC projects, co-developed with Cameron Bishop include Treatment with Melbourne Water and the City of Wyndham; Venetian Blind with the European Cultural Centre in Venice; and Six Moments in Kingston for the City of Kingston that a series of public art performances via a bus tour of the Kingston suburbs.

Further, David is a writer with several publications dedicated to public art and performance.

David is unique, humorous with an acute intelligence for the quirky and the sublime.

Join us Monday night at 8:30 – 10 pm. STREAM: www.kissfm.com.au LISTEN NOW

David Cross: www.davidcrossartist.com


Text & Images: David Cross | Edited: Lee-Ann Joy

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