Do you enjoy a good warehouse party? Beth Grace organises a special guest mix and interview with Jayskullo, to get us excited for one amazing rollercoaster of fun. Jayskullo is one of the head-honchos for NAU Presents, Mother Dearest.

NAU is a music and events collective that is dedicated to hosting dance music events that offer a unique experience in the spaces that they select. Their Mother Dearest series has seen the likes of two different warehouse locations providing a distinct difference in the experience had at both events. The third chapter of Mother Dearest sees the event lay host to another new venue located at 253-257 Victoria Street Abbotsford.

With Silversix headlining the warehouse party you’d be satisfied enough, though the talent that the NAU crew have on the rest of the bill really make you lick your lips. With Jack Love, Luke Vecchio who is fresh off his first international gig in Bali, Mish’chief, jayskullo, Beth Grace, Simplicity and Jewson.

Event details are on the Kiss FM gig guide.

Listen in Tuesday at 2pm.



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