JORGE VELEZ | GUESTMIX | 29/10/2015 | Brain Food

Jorge Velez aka  J Velez and Professor Genius – 30 minute guest mix on Brain Food – 11.30pm to 1am – 29th of October

Jorge Velez aka J Velez/Professor Genius/Bridge & Tunnel Kids/Bim Marx is a producer/live act/record label owner from New York.  In the last year he’s had releases on LIES, Rush Hour, Creme and Skudge White as well as new and archival releases on his own Templo label via Bandcamp.   Jorge has created an exclusive LIVESET for Brain Food using just an Octatrack sampler and two synths. NO OVERDUBS!  Prepare yourself, it will get freaky!

Check out Jorge Velez’s music below then listen to Brain Food this Thursday night for his exclusive guest liveset!


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