Tiff Cornish | Q&A – After Effect Radio | January 2016

I caught up with Tiff Cornish ahead of her Guest Mix this weekend on After Effect Radio.

How did you get into music?

Music has been a big part of my life from a young age. I have dabbled in clarinet, piano and singing lessons over the years. As time proceeded and my taste evolved I was introduced to dance music which lead me to YOUR SHOT. A DJ completion for people with zero experience held all over Australia and now USA. From there things started to fall into place.

What are you listening to at the moment?

I listen to a huge range of genres and artists, but I would say my obsession at the moment would be anything Diplo, Alison Wonderland and Tchami.

Sushi or Pizza?

I went to Japan last year purely for the sushi

How do you prepare yourself for a set?

I am constantly on beatport and soundcloud searching for any new tracks/edits I like that I think will be best suited for my set time and where I am playing. I generally like to have a quick mix on my garage decks and be on my way!

What’s the best club/festival you played at? and why?

I would say the best club I have played at is my current residency – Anyway (Melbourne CBD).

The stage is huge, the lights are amazing, the sound system is slamming and the vibe is unreal. However the main attraction is the flexibility to play whatever I want in such a fun and vibrant environment.

Drink of choice?

Normal girls are made of sugar and spice… but I am made of vodka, lemonade & ice.

The last film you watched?

The Revenant aka the world’s longest movie.

In recent light of Australian media, regarding feminism. Do you think as a female DJ you are being treated equally in the industry?

I think this is a very male dominated industry in which I found can be both an advantage and disadvantage as a female. Although being a female artist may seem more ‘distinctive’ which is a pro, but when a female artist progresses it can be questioned as to how she got where she is.. which is a con.

This isn’t just the music industry this is a part of society but I feel I am going to join the minority and I don’t let that stuff bother me. Live and let live we are all equals.

What’s the worst chat up line you got?

Do you know what the material of my shirt is? It’s boyfriend material.

What’s the best? lol

There isn’t one.

What are your thoughts about DJ talent shows being done like The Voice or XFactor? Would you ever support it? Be on it?

I think it sounds like a pretty interesting show, I would both support it and try out for it. Id have nothing to loose except my dignity.

Triangle or Cowbell?

Cowbell, is that even a question?

How would you describe a Tiff Cornish set?

Id describe it as Tiff Cornish

When is the last time you blushed?

Last Saturday when shoe fell off whilst I was playing

and finally? New years resolutions?

None, I figured I never stick to them so why bother anymore!

Tune in at 10:30PM, Saturday Jan 16th right here on After Effect Radio / KISSFM

#tiffcornish #aftereffectradio #kissfm

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