StrictlyOZ HipHop Show | Elefant Traks 18th Birthday Celebrations | L Fresh The Lion, B Wise & The Herd


Celebrates Elefant Traks 18th Birthday Celebrations on Kiss

Tune In Tuesday 87.6-88.0Fm or stream as StrictlyOZ HipHop show on Kiss FM Melbourne Celebrate the Birthdays of one of Australia’s Biggest Hip Hop Labels

“ Elefant Traks” as they Celbrate their 18th Birthday!


Since 1998 the Label has grown and grown and now with a roster with over 18 acts , sell out Tours and shows and some of Australia’s Biggest acts in the country its time to Celebrate 18 Strong years in the business.

As we can’t attend the massive show in Sydney on the 10th December we are putting on a massive show special showcasing some of the labels biggest tracks, some of our favourites from over the years and we have a few specials guests to shat with.. Rok Poshtya from The Herd – B Wise – L Fresh The Lion

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