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KISS FM helps to support the Dance Music Scene by informing our captivated community about what’s on.

We actively encourage the communities right to connect and interact with the scene as a whole.

We don’t populate our Event Listings – submissions come from the Community, the Industry and our DJ’s. Join them in connecting to the KISS COMMUNITY.

The form to LIST YOUR EVENT takes 5 minutes to populate. Approved events will be published.

Published Events enjoy the following:

  • Once published your listing sits on the KISS homepage in week of and on our events listing page for duration
  • Once published is auto social-ed to our FB Fan Page & Twitter – incl tags on facebook
  • Once Published is published in the final week prior to event in the Kiss Crew email out every thursday at 6pm  [KISS Chart, Show News, Member Offers and Recommended Gigs]. 8400 subscribers
  • Once Published, our On-air DJ’s can use event content for live reads in local shows

Please note: By submitting this form you agree to be sent reminders to post your future events. You may unsubscribe at anytime.

If you have an issue loading the event simply send the ticketing or online link with event details [CLICK HERE]
For advertising [ask for our Industry Offer – it’s incredible], ticket promotions, interviews & guestmixes click here
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