LEKTRONIC SHOW FINALE PSY DARK TECHNO Tune in this boxing day Thursday 26th December at 10am to hear the final LEKTRONIC show. Huge thank you to everyone that supported the show over the ...
MELTA BASS, DNB MELTA’s bold & gritty selections have quickly earned her a respected place in Naarm’s bass music community. A true bass fiend to her core, when she’s not dishing out girthy ...
ASH ROY PSY DARK TECHNO Ash Roy’s career spanning two decades has made him one of the most progressive and revered artists. His style moves through minimal and techno with a pinch of ...
ELECTRONIC BOOGALOO TAKEOVER #1 TECHNO PSY TRANCE For this week’s show, we have a takeover from the Electric Boogaloo festival : The Electric Boogaloo Festival is on 19 October, a 3-day music, arts, ...
BEYOND DEF TECHNO Beyond Def released his debut track “Dark Embers” with Jody 6 in February 2024, signing to Berlin Record Label – Animarum Recordings. The peak time techno journey encapsulates the sonic ...