Melbourne’s own / Kable54 – The month Machine EP / On Modern Hypnosis

This Wednesday on Modern Hypnosis catch the radio debut of the latest release from melbourne’s very own Kable 54.

The 6 track EP is called “The Month Machine”, it’s the 5th EP from Kable54. The EP project was created during the first half of 2016.

Each month, one single track was produced, start to finish. This process of creation informed the music: each track is an independent piece… living within its own sonic world, it’s own distinct languages. I was also just trying to have fun. Originally planned as a group of “plastic ambient” tracks (in the same way that Bowie’s Young Americans was “plastic soul” music), the later tracks on “The Month Machine” evolved towards experimental electronica and Krautrock.

Track 1: Ups & Downs – Created In February –  Depicts the transition of a relationship from euphoric early stage into something more mature, complex, deep.

Track 2: The Golden Keys – Created in April –  This is a three part track, inspired by analog synths and nightmares in space.

Track 3: The Phantom Wagon – Created in January –  Inspired by a Salvador Dali painting of the same name.  This track is closest to the Brian Eno inspired “Plastic Ambient” sound I began this project with.  This track was the first of 2 mixed by Tom Jackson.

Track 4: Explora Unknown – Created in May – Is a meditation on the repeating and changing nature of self exploration in a consumer world.

K54 Live Performances.

-Performing live, regularly around Melbourne.

Next Performance: Next Tuesday night, 18th of October, at Harmonics at Workshop Bar (corner of Elizabeth and ABeckett Streets, Melbourne).

-Full live performance, using hardware synths, drum machines and sequencers, featuring completely newly composed material for (a live setting).

-More info on the Facebook page: Kable54Music, or to purchase release. 

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