Kiss broadcasting LIVE from BICYCLE DAY

BICYCLE DAY a celebration of inspiration!

On the 19th April 1943 Dr Albert Hoffman performed a self-experiment that changed the world forever. Having discovered the psychedelic effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in his lab only days earlier, Dr Hoffman decided to take a dose of his newly formed concoction and go for a leisurely ride on his bicycle.

Recounting the experience Hoffman remembered, “fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in coloured fountains, rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux.”

To celebrate the anniversary of this momentous bicycle TRIP, and the beginning of what spurred the music, decor and artwork we all love today, on Bicycle Day April 19th 2015 (starting on the 18th at 7pm) Contact High will deliver a full-on psychedelic experience for our special Melbourne psy scene. All you need to do is jump on your bike ( for those without wheels), bring your positive energy, “medicine for the soul” and prepare to take an epic trip.

This is a 12 hr party from 7pm till 7am
 FREE ENTRY ALL NIGHT If you witnessed PSYCHEDELIC XMAS please come early as the venue will most likely hit full capacity
 and we don’t want anyone missing out.
PeAcE to you all bring on the PART

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