FRICTION presents a local Melbournite that is constantly spreading his love across the scene. This coming week see’s LE’BRUH from PELICAN VILLA join us in the Kiss FM Studios.

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Le Bruh has unravelled with unquestionable momentum through Melbourne’s iconic underground house & techno scene. This has created a blissfully chaotic force of energy wherever he plays turning heads and moving hearts with his arsenal of sounds waiting to resonate with you.

Trying hard to not be boxed into a particular sound Le Bruh adopts an ever-evolving taste and style, which reflects in the diversity of sets he can play. From open to close, start to finish his ability to adapt to the moment is a strong point which has guided him onto the biggest stages in the outdoor Australian festival scene and seen him behind the decks at some of Melbourne’s most well renowned musical institutions.

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Friction is excited to have the Melbourne prince of the doof scene in the studio for a guest mix and a chat.

Check out last weeks episode below to keep you grooving until this Wed at 10pm, and remember to keep tuning into Friction every week as we welcome the following guests up to the Friction waves, including Doppel, Christian Kerr, Fourthstate, JYDN, Kazuki, Marcotix, Morbs, Nick Reverse, @Philt3r, Timothy Weston, Tranceducer.



[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/btham/friction-on-kiss-fm-jesse-kuch-230518/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 artwork=1]


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