What Luke Vecchio Plays In His Bedroom

It’s not the first time you’ve heard this household name grace the Kissfm airways, and I guarantee it wont be the last!

It was about four years ago when I spotted Luke Vecchio in the corner of a dark side-room in the Rubix Warehouse. I decided to enquire further into this room/tunecave out of curiosity and pumping bass that acceded that of the Main Room.
Deep warm bass, grooves for days and a really mature selection in music had me utterly delighted in this young man. I had never seen him around the scene before, but before I knew it and unsurprisingly, he was everywhere. Winning the heart of Melbourne with his unfuckwithable demeanour, and infectious musical mannerisms.

So naturally, I asked him to join me… Mostly for my own personal experience.

With a twist.

I asked him to play music he wouldn’t normally get to play out. Tunes he listens to late at night when no ones around. Tunes he want’s to play, but deep down knows they mightn’t be fully received in most venues.

Tune in for his hand-picked selections by Myself and Vech’s 12 – 2pm

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