We caught up with the young rising star of Sydney’s fast evolving ACID TECHNO scene, ahead of his Guest Mix for VISCERAL RADIO – Tuesday 26th September 2023.

1. When did you first know that producing and Djing was what you wanted to do? 

I think that was pretty much straight away after I played my first ever set for a crowd. I just remember a feeling of joy and excitement I had never experienced before and have only come close to experiencing again through DJing. Producing came later and I’m still only scratching the surface but I am super excited by the possibilities I can open up for myself as an artist by producing alongside my DJing.

2. How did you first get started? Who gave you your first break?

My first gigs were just raves that I ran with my friends. We never expected people to come but next thing we knew there were 300+ people in an abandoned building dancing and it all just kind of continued on from there.

3. Thinking back to your first ever gig. If you can remember, what was your opening track?

I don’t remember my opening track, but I definitely know I played A*S*Y*S – The Acid (T78 remix) I didn’t know it at the time but it was definitely foreshadowing the direction I was going to take my sets in the future.

4 What music was playing in your house when you were growing up? Did it shape what you do now?

Lots of Rock and Roll. My dad was a live sound engineer who toured for many years with heaps of the biggest rock acts in the 90s, so lots of that sort of stuff was what I grew up on. I definitely think the rock influence still comes through with what I do today, especially considering the strong roots acid techno has to the punk scene and their philosophy.

5. Do you have a bucket list event/venue you would like to play in your career? or have you already ticked it off?

I would absolutely love to play for a Stay Up Forever event. They are by far my favourite label, and the artists involved with Stay Up Forever are all massive inspirations and pioneers of the sound I absolutely love!

6. What is coming up for ‘DELIRIOUS’ in the next 12 months?

Hoping to be releasing some of my own music in the coming 12 months, along with a live hardware set I’m hoping to debut later this year. I’ll also be continuing with my events I run called NIMIETY, and will be announcing a few events that are coming up soon!


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